Murder of a young girl by her uncle

The May 29th, 2021 started with a news of a 24-year-old girl named Afrooz was severely burned in one of the western neighborhoods of Tehran province.

After the young girl was taken to the hospital, medical treatment was started by the medical team, but the burn was so severe that two days later, despite the efforts of doctors in the Afrooz intensive care unit, she died, but before her death, the young girl blamed her uncle, Majid, for the fire.

In a statement to the case officer, 25-year-old Majid said: “My sister divorced her husband twenty years ago and her two children lived with their father. During these years, she sometimes visited her children. When Afrooz and her brother grew up they found their mom address and came to our house to live with us. Sometime later, my niece Afrooz got married, but their life together was very short and she separated from her husband and returned to our house.

But after returning to our house, there were disagreements between her and her mother, and to help them both, I rented a house and we both live in that house. After a few months, I was arrested and imprisoned for a street fight, but when I was released from prison and returned home, I noticed that my niece’s behavior had changed and had suspicious relations.

I warned her several times, but it was useless, and finally on the day of the incident, we got into a fight over the same issues. She suddenly ran to the balcony and tried to throw herself down, but I stopped her. I wanted to calm her down, but she kept shouting. Then she picked up the oil bucket on the corner of the balcony and poured it on her head and face, threatening to burn herself. This time I told her that she does not dare to do this, but she kept threatening me. I was very angry and took the lighter and said to her that do you want me to do this?

Of course, I just wanted to scare her, but when I turned on the lighter, my niece’s hair and clothes suddenly ignited so that it could not be controlled. When the neighbors came to help, I was so scared ran away, but two days later I found out that Afrooz was dead. I had a lot of remorse and decided to turn myself in.

Reference: دختر تهرانی توسط دایی اش به آتش کشیده شد / افروز جان باخت + جزییات (

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