Sarah Shadifar, the Victim of her Brother’s “honor”

Sara Shadifar, mother of two children aged 13 and 6, was killed by her brother.

Sarah’s body was discovered in Amol, Hosseinabad village on March 31st, 2022.

“I did not like her lifestyle, I got angry and suffocated her,” her brother told police during interrogation after his arrest. Sarah wanted to migrate to Europe with her two children. But a sense of brotherly ownership over his sister led to her death. Sarah had gone to an exchange office with the same brother to exchange her saving.

Regarding the motive for Sarah’s murder, her brother says that she received a message, I read the messages and got angry and killed her.

Ineffective crime prevention laws, laws that in some cases give the killer the right to kill, misconceptions and wrong education, humiliation of women, leaving women in control of family men, and encouraging men to be “zealous” and stand up to women in the family have led to the upbringing violent and controlling men. To the extent that a brother does not like his sister’s lifestyle and considers himself entitled to kill her and deprive her young children of their mother. How many times has such a brother committed this type of crime?!!

Stop honor Killings Campaign

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