The Killing of Hadith Islami, a Photographer and Videographer in Mashhad
Hadith Islami, a 26-year-old woman from Mashhad, disappeared in front of her house in
Panzdeh Khordad square (Falka Zed) in Mashhad on October 14th, 2023. After two
weeks her body was discovered near Bahar village located on Khin Arab road in
Mashhad. On October 14TH,2023, after finishing her work, she went home with car, but
she disappeared suspiciously in front of her house. According to the available evidence
as well as the forensic report, Hadith Islami was shot in the head at close range and
killed. According to the police, Hadith Islami was killed by her husband.
Hadith Islami from Mashhad was born in 1997 in Mashhad and she was a wedding
photographer and videographer.
According to reports, Hadith’s husband, named Masoud, killed her with the help of one
of his relatives with a military weapon. According to the Mehr news agency, Arefi Rad,
the special murder investigator of the Mashhad Prosecutor’s Office, said: “Based on the
obtained clues, an order was issued yesterday to arrest the victim’s husband, and after
detailed investigations, her husband confessed to the crime.” He showed her burial
place, which was 1 km away from his own private garden, and this is how the body was
discovered. Additional investigations and of course the confessions of the victim’s
husband showed that another suspect was also involved in this crime, and after
completing the legal procedures, this person was also arrested this Saturday morning in
Neishabour and was taken to Mashhad.
Due to incomplete and anti-women laws and the lack of punishment adequate with the
crime, the men of the family, especially husbands, easily kill their wives. These killers,
by using and referring to the laws that are in favor of men, get light sentences, and in
many cases, they are released after a few months in prison. The number of femicides in
Iran has increased greatly, and the main reason is the government’s role in relentlessly
suppressing women and underestimating women’s lives.
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